We're looking for participants for online focus groups to find out more about what people know about charity trusteeship, and what the barriers are to becoming a trustee. Trustees are volunteers who lead charities and decide how they are run.
As a thank-you for your time, we're offering a £10 Amazon voucher or a free Getting on Board mini "Board Match" session worth over £100.
It doesn't matter if you don't know anything about charity trusteeship - in fact it could be helpful for the research!
We are especially looking for people who are either:
* 18-30 year olds, particularly women
* People of colour, of any age, and particularly women
We want to talk to people who have little or no knowledge of trusteeship AND people who are actively interested in becoming a trustee and are at the start of their journey. If either of those sounds like you, please sign up with the link below.
The focus groups will take place on Zoom on Tuesday 28th April 2020, 4pm and Thursday 30h April 2020, 4pm and will last 75 minutes. You'll be invited to take part in one of these sessions.
Please volunteer by 24th April: https://gettingonboard.formstack.com/forms/trusteefocusgroups
Only 6% of charity trustees are people of colour, less than 3% are under 30, and only 1/3 are women. By taking part in a focus group you will help us to change that.