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"How to recruit trustees for your charity - A practical guide" launches today!

Heather Gullick

We are proud to announce the publishing of our latest free guidance for charities looking to recruit diverse, robust and effective trustee boards. Kindly supported by Rathbones, and launched at an event at The Guardian, our comprehensive guide seeks to move the needle across the sector when it comes to embracing professional, open recruitment practices.

Currently, 90% of organisations recruit Trustees by word of mouth or existing networks, 41% of trustee boards are representative of the communities that they serve, and only 14% of charities feel well equipped to deal with the compliance, strategic, and development needs of their organsiation.

We collated the learnings from our Trustee Recruitment Pathwaysprogramme into a comprehensive 8 step guide to recruiting trustees, so that any organisation can join us in making a pledge to #recruitwell2019.

We are grateful to all the organisations who helped make this happen, including Pears Foundation, Comic Relief, and The Anjoli Stewart Fund.

We hope that through this free resource, we can help organisations face an ever changing and ever challenging landscape, with the right leadership to deliver public benefit in their communities for years to come.


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