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Inclusion training for charity boards

Our training helps boards create an environment where trustees of all backgrounds feel supported, mandated and valued.

Image by Nathan Anderson

Why inclusion matters to charity boards

Research suggests that charities’ performance and outcomes improve when there is a diverse board comprising different ages, ethnicities, genders, class and lived experience. 


However boards can be slow to adapt their culture, behaviours and working practises to accommodate the needs of those whose experiences are divergent from that of the dominant majority on the board. Often this is because there is a lack of understanding or misunderstanding of what inclusivity means. 


Charities can commission Getting on Board’s unique Inclusion Training at any point in their journey to diversify their board:  as part of their skills and experience audit, during an active trustee recruitment process, or as ongoing learning.

What does the inclusion training involve?

Our expert EDI trainer identifies your charity’s unique needs in a preparatory call taking into account the composition of your board, the size and scope of your charity and your current board culture. 


The subsequent one and a half hour online workshop is delivered exclusively to an unlimited number of your trustees and senior members of staff. As many members can attend as necessary though we find that a group with between 5-12 participants gets the best results.


The training focuses on:

  • Understanding what inclusion means in a board context

  • Identifying barriers to trustee inclusion

  • What it might feel like to be in a non-inclusive board environment

  • Practical and dynamic steps trustees can take to create an inclusive board culture

  • Inclusive board leadership: techniques and strategies for success

Image by Christina @
Image by Clay Banks

Preparatory call with a trustee or CEO.

1.5 hour online workshop for unlimited participants from a single charity.


Are you ready to equip your participants with the skills and confidence to analyse their own board practice, facilitate further discussion within their organisation, and provide a basis for creating the culture you need for your charity and trustees to excel?

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